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Select Board Meeting Minutes 5/13/13
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 5/13/13

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Muriel Lazzarini, Acting Chair and Wayne Burkhart
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Susan Gallant for the Monterey News, Maynard Forbes, Donald Clawson, Pat Mielke, Josh Allentuck and Stanley Ross

The board met with Director of Operations, Maynard Forbes’ to review the following:
1.  Grader: Site visits were made to John Deere and Caterpillar and Maynard would like to recommend that we accept the Caterpillar bid even though it was a little higher; it met the specs the closest.  The Board had no issue with this recommendation however it was noted that Barbara Swann has notified the State that she feels the election was not a valid election regarding the request for a debt exclusion for the purchase of the grader because it was not on the ballot but on a separate slip of paper passed out with the ballot.  The bids are valid until the 20th of May.  Maynard will ask Caterpillar to hold the bid for as long as possible until the matter is resolved with the State.  The Board requested that Town Counsel call Harry Petrucci with the State for an update on the status of Barbara’s complaint and resolution of it if necessary.
2.  The Board wanted to confirm that Maynard was aware of the Beaver Funding Grant; we do not qualify as we sometimes trap which isn’t allowed under the grant parameters.  The town pays approximately $800-1000/year for trapping depending on the year.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  The Board met with Josh Allentuck, Chair of the Parks Commission who came in to make sure that as liaison of the Jamie’s Court project and head of the Parks Department he could spend Parks Department funds from this year on the site work for this project to help move it along.  M. Noe was asked to check with Town Counsel on the matter.
2.  Pat Mielke came in regarding the following:
a.  She stated that the Tax Title lawyer has suggested that the small piece of lake front land be done by sealed bid; it will be published in the paper and the abutter’s will be notified.  The Board instructed the Treasurer to go forth with this.  In reference to the second property she suggested that we wait until the fall to combine it with other properties that may be foreclosed upon and it would then draw a larger auction.
b.  Auditor’s report: In addressing the Management Letter she requested that there be a meeting with the Board, Treasurer, Assessor’s, Accountant, etc to relook at everything and determine what the town needs.  M. Noe will coordinate an evening working meeting with the Board, Finance Committee, Accountant, Treasurer and Assessors to review the draft Management Letter and to ensure that the new positions are all starting on the same page
c.  Financial bonding of the newly elected Town Clerk and Treasurer: Pat contacted MIIA yesterday to inform them of the new persons in these positions and the paperwork is in process.
d.  The Board inquired Pat’s opinion on the debt exclusion question.  She stated that it is her understanding that it needed to be on the town meeting warrant to inform voters that there would be a question on the election ballot.  This contradicts what the Board, the former Accountant and counsel interpreted in the Proposition 2 ½ Procedures at an earlier meeting.  The Board is also concerned that the ballot question for the debt exclusion for the rescue vehicle was never on the ballot in 2012.
3.  Stanley Ross stated that our mapping people, Cartographics have introduced some very helpful features that we could use here if implemented.  It would be beneficial to the Police, Conservation Commission, Fire Department and Building Department.  There is a one time setup fee of $800 and a $1,400 yearly fee.  Stan feels that this would be a town feature/function, not specific to just the Assessor’s and therefore it should not come out of the Assessor’s expenses. Don stated that each department will get their own password for access and should be billed for their usage.  The Assessors will cover the $800 setup fee.  After some discussion it was decided that the Select Board will determine which account will pay for the $1,400.
4.  The Board met with Donald Clawson, Principal Assessor to discuss his current designation as a contractor and whether or not he meets the criteria of a contractor under MGL Chapter 151A Section 2.  Pat Mielke and Stanley Ross remained for the conversation.  Muriel explained that during the several ECAC meetings it was brought to everyone’s attention that Don was being paid as a contractor and might not meet all the necessary criteria to continue to be paid as a contractor.  Muriel provided copies of the MGL, the Principal Assessor’s job description as well as the survey summary results of the surrounding towns and this position.  Muriel stated that contracted employees do not get benefits or reimbursement for mileage or education.  If he is to remain as a contractor he will also need to carry his own worker’s comp and liability insurances.  Pat stated he is covered under the town’s worker’s comp as a 1099 contractor.  She felt that the town was within their rights to pay Don as a contractor.  It was learned that Don acts as a consultant to other towns regarding Assessing matters.  With this information the board was satisfied that he now meets the criteria under MGL Chapter 151A Section 2.  Don will now bill the town as Principal Assessor/Consultant.
5.  A motion was made to rotate the Chairperson position and appoint Muriel to the position.  It was seconded and approved.
6.  The Board reviewed the reports sent by the Accountant detailing expenses to date.  They were very pleased with the details in these reports.
7.  Muriel requested that a seminar on levy limits and proposition 2 ½ be held here for the Select Board and Finance Committee and anyone else interested.  Muriel suggested that if Barbara Gauthier were agreeable to have her run it when she’s next in town.
8.  Town Clerk’s Office – A Bible has been found in the office that has suddenly become of interest to several parties.  Muriel felt that we 1st need to determine the provenance of it before any further decisions about it can be made.  Currently it is being kept in the archives room in the Town Clerk’s office until we can learn a little more about the book and its history.  The Board agreed that the new Town Clerk can proceed with investigating this.
9.  Wayne spoke with the Fire Chief regarding the budget questions the Board had and Shawn and Maynard are putting something together for the Board.  Wayne said that Shawn stated the town pays the Verizon bill, the FD pays the heating and electric out of the $10k that the town will now be paying in increments throughout the year.
10.  Hazard Mitigation Grants: Muriel stated she was unclear on how to become shovel ready to be eligible to receive any funds for remediating the flooding at Lake Buel.
11.  The minutes from 5.6.13 were approved as written.
12.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  The Police Department mutual aid agreement was updated and signed.
b.  Copy of a violation letter sent to Blue Hill Farm (NFPA 70 Safety Violation)
c.  Workshop announcement from DEP on an electric vehicle incentive program
13.  Warrants were signed.
14.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 10:43am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book